Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Keeping Me Going....

If the thought (slash hope and dream) of graduating with a MPS isn't enough to get me through all the research and essay-ing... I can always lean on the thought of the Dean and Deluca in Rockefeller Plaza (conveniently across from J.Crew) to keep me going. (Yes, only that location).
Sighhh... I KNOW - what you are thinking. Franchise. But I don't even care. Guilty. pleasure.

Yah, I know... bad blogger.

sooo... Mok this is for you... I was a little bit distracted and a little bit uninspired... but, found the strength to update.
Summer has turned into a whirlwind of opportunities, (and application deadlines...) and with this comes... the redesign of my portfolio... dun dun dunnn. (yup, i'm bored with the glasses and child like graphics)

Soooo I've been lookin around for inspiration....
These may all look like random packaging ideas.. but I can't give it ALL away, can I?