Friday, June 18, 2010

Student Wrapping 2.0

Went from trace and masking tape to....

illustrator wrapping paper!! and masking tape bow!!!

In T minus.... 5 hours....

I get to see my Daddy!!! First time since he jetted off to live it up in Singapore :)

AND it's Father's Day Weekend!
SO - fair warning - go start planning. now.
u have 48 hours.

(pic: olives circa 1991, pre blog)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Inside Out

Warning: Olivia is usually a super happy, carefree person... the following is a moment of rare emoness and deep thought

I'm one of those people who have a tough outer shell, and a lot held up inside. I don't know why but sometimes I feel like showing my emotions is a weakness, or that I need to guard myself. This never used to be the case, but I feel as I get older, I tend to stray away from wearing my heart on my sleeve and slowly back away from trusting people easily.

With that, I feel like certain people are placed in your life that you DO open up to so naturally. And, what's important is that they are present on the way to teach you, to help you learn about yourself and to help you realize your own capabilities, your passions, and what the outcome can be if you really put your mind to it.

Without getting too deep, I feel a lot of these kinds of people have entered my life in the past year or so... and even old friends who have stuck around for a long time share these traits. But what I don't expect is their exit. Then again, perhaps the brief encounters are what make the biggest impact. It's weird to think that others could effect you so, but I'm so very glad and grateful that they do.

So, thank you.

Sunday, June 13, 2010


nd old Feat. Olivia Lauren - Left A Note (AUDIO)

After a fun filled rain and shine weekend at the cottage, I come back to Toronto and find this up on lo's blog!
Our song finallyyy hit cyberspace (eventhough it was not supposed to) and I'm loving the way it turned out.
Good job NDDDD!! Ima misss uuuu!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Aren't I JUST the CUTEST?!

in case you haven't guessed... mama hnatysh comes tomorrow!